Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Guide to Good Tutoring

A Guide to Good TutoringA tutor is a person who is trained to help students with their studies. These tutors might be teachers, parents, friends, or other professionals who can help students in a variety of ways. A tutor can be anyone who can give the help to a student that a teacher could not. However, there are certain aspects of a tutor's experience that are specific to different types of teaching.You need to be able to communicate with students in a basic knowledge of English. This means that your English speaking ability must be adequate. Most tutors will get you up to speed on the basics of English, but you should keep it simple and for those who have no English, you may want to learn some basics before starting your work. If you are able to do this, you will find that tutoring is a lot easier than you would think. You will also find that you make your lessons fun and exciting.Teach students the basics. You cannot expect to have success as a tutor if you are not able to teach y our students the basics. Some students need to know more than just English. For example, they may need to know how to do math and many other things. Your ability to teach is an essential aspect of being a successful tutor.Teach students the full extent of your expertise. In the world of education today, there are many courses that are available to students that they cannot get anywhere else. It is important that you teach your students everything that you know so that they can learn the best from you.Tutor a wide range of topics. There are many topics that you can teach in school today. These include a number of subjects including biology, chemistry, history, mathematics, social studies, English, and others. For students who do not understand these subjects, you will find that tutoring will be a lot easier.Tutor with great enthusiasm. Students will learn from a tutor if they know that they are being helped. This is why it is important that you provide the best and most informative s ervice possible. This will get your students to learn faster and enjoy your lessons even more.Remember, a good tutor is more than just someone who will take care of your lessons. You should always go above and beyond for your students. They will get a better education if you set a high bar for yourself.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Find a Best Tutor for Your School

Find a Best Tutor for Your School Many schools are in need of skilled tutors with good qualification. But they are unaware of resources to find those tutors. This article will serve as a guide to help the schools which are in need of best tutors. School management spends time and money to get a good tutor. They give ads in newspapers; publish online ads to find a tutor which is a time consuming process. They also go to tutoring agencies to hire tutors. They spend a lot to tutoring agencies to get a tutor. Now it is time to know how to overcome this problem. There are several ways to find a best private tutor for your school. One such method is getting help from online tutoring sites. Your work is almost completed by registering in best tutoring sites like The advantages of the same are: Certified Tutors The general working system of tutoring sites is almost similar. Tutors are about to write an exam on their specialized subject. Once they get through the exam, they are called as certified tutors. Therefore schools need not worry of selecting a tutor who is specialized in subject they need. “N” Number of Tutors Available The tutors are available for almost all subjects. Even for unusual subjects you can get tutors through tutoring sites. Just by doing few clicks online, you can hire tutors for all your subject requirements. You can set business with tutoring sites, when you are in need of tutors for more subjects. Can Hire For Extra Curricular Activities Now-a-days schools insist on co-curricular activities also. Apart from studies, students are involved in sports, social services, puzzle solving activities, online games, summer camp activities, swimming etc. Therefore they require assistance to do those activities in professional manner. Schools are interested to select tutors for all these extracurricular activities. Choose the Best Tutor The tutors are ranked based on their performance, talent and experience in tutoring sites. It is called as five start rating. You can view the rating of a particular tutor in their profile. This rating is almost the feedback for that tutor by other parents or students. Hence you can find best tutors in few minutes by seeing their profile and ratings. You Can Recruit based on Your Needs You may require 10 math tutors for elementary students and 3 physics tutor for high school pupils. Sometime you may look only for part time private tutor to take only special classes or to practice sports. You may also require tutors based on location. Posting of ads for each and every subject need is practically not possible. Thus you can hire tutors based on your needs through

Teacher engagement and the pursuit of happiness (Part 1)

Teacher engagement and the pursuit of happiness (Part 1) Ash Pugh, Director of Operations at Teach Away In part one of our four-part series, we discuss the common thread that permeates throughout recruitment, onboarding and retention: happiness. Recruitment and retention go hand in hand: something I’ve witnessed time and time again throughout my decade working in international education at Teach Away. Get your recruitment strategy right, we always say to our partner schools, and you’ll go a long way to ensuring strong retention rates. And this still holds true. However, as the following story illustrates, recruiting the right teachers for your school is only half the battle. Way back in 2008, Teach Away worked on a large-scale hiring campaign for a government program undergoing massive educational reform. While we had no trouble attracting the volume of qualified candidates required to help this particular program meet their ambitious hiring targets, their nascent post-hire support process contributed to a dropout rate that was much higher than they wanted. The following recruitment year, we worked together with our partner to create a tailored pre-departure program for successful hires through a series of theme-based webinars and outreach. Our efforts paid huge dividends; dropout and turnover rates dropped dramatically. By aligning expectations to the reality on the ground, retention rates shifted to where we needed them. A cautionary tale for international schools and programs everywhere: without quality recruitment, onboarding and retention processes, hiring new teachers becomes a never-ending cycle of wasted time and money. I was excited to have the opportunity to co-moderate a series of sessions with Dr. Ann Jurewicz at the the 52nd AAIE Conference in February of this year, exploring the interconnected topics of teacher recruitment, engagement and retention alongside international school leaders from around the world. Dr. Jurewicz recently completed her dissertation, where she surveyed nearly 1,000 teachers on critical factors influencing contract renewal. As luck would have it, Teach Away had also recently completed a survey of over 10,000 educators, diving deep into their motivations for teaching abroad, what matters to them when seeking employment and what makes them happiest at a school. What we wanted to do together was to take a holistic approach to mapping out and understanding the journey from job seeker, to candidate, all the way through to a teacher’s first year at your school, to help you figure out what you can do to ensure a smooth transition from new hire candidate to an engaged, committed educator. Happiness: the secret to retention. Over the course of our combined research and discussions, we uncovered a common thread winding through retention, engagement and recruitment - the secret sauce for teacher retention, if you will. Happiness. You might think that cultivating a happy teacher workforce is an elusive (and arguably subjective) goal. But, as our research shows, when it comes to keeping teachers at your school, the pursuit of happiness is a worthwhile one. If your school has a retention problem, it’s a relatively safe bet that you likely have some work to do on the happiness front. Your teachers must be given the training and tools they need to be successful. They also need to be satisfied with their work environment and compensation. Which leads us to our next question: Why does your teachers’ happiness matter now more than ever? 1. It’s time to brace for change. It’s important for school leaders to understand that the international education recruitment landscape is changing - and changing fast. Until relatively recently, an oversupply of teachers put the power in the hands of international schools to have their pick of teachers, on their terms. Over the last few years, we’ve seen a fundamental shift in the balance of power from hiring school to candidate. We’re experiencing a time of unprecedented growth in the international school market. According to ISC Research, which has tracked and analyzed data on the world's international schools for over 20 years, the biggest challenge facing international schools over the next five years will be finding enough skilled teachers. In fact, in order to keep up with the demand for English-speaking K-12 teachers, international schools are going to need to source an additional 150,000 qualified teachers by 2021. That’s an increase of 36% in less than four years. It’s clear that hiring schools no longer hold all the cards. With qualified teachers in high demand and more opportunities available to them than ever before, you need to understand what matters most to candidates and harness that information to attract and keep them at your school. 2. It’s also time to start thinking about your long-term growth. It’s important to keep the big picture in mind. As a school head or principal, you’re striving to build and sustain a community. This community does not just happen by happy accident and it’s certainly no small task. It requires vision and intent. Knowing what your community culture and values are and hiring according to these is a key first step to getting the right teachers at your school. It won’t guarantee they’ll stick around for the long term, however. To build a strong and lasting community, you need to ensure that your teachers are engaged and excited to come to work and that student learning outcomes are met. In turn, you’ll have satisfied parents and rising enrolment rates. So, what is exactly it that makes new teachers happy? And how can you evaluate and improve your existing recruitment and onboarding processes to ensure a positive experience for candidates and new hires? Let’s take a closer look. Why teachers stay and why they go. Conventional wisdom might suggest that salary and financial perks are the biggest indicators of whether or not a teacher chooses to stay at your school. In fact, top indicators of happiness, as outlined by Rainer Strack, aren’t financial at all. Especially among the generation currently entering the job market - our future teachers - key indicators are things like appreciation for their work and building quality relationships with colleagues. As shown below, salary comes into the picture further down - as the eighth most important item on the list. Source: Rainer Strack, October 2014 at TED@BCG Berlin. The workforce crisis of 2030 and how to start solving it now. Don’t make the fatal flaw of assuming that teachers stay solely for money. Check back next week for part twowhere we look at the first part of recruitment, onboarding and retention cycle: recruitment. This article originally appeared in the Spring 2018 edition of InterED, the bi-annual newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE).

Thursday, March 5, 2020

?? Awesome Ways To Learn Chinese The Ultimate List of Mandarin Apps, Videos and More!

?? Awesome Ways To Learn Chinese The Ultimate List of Mandarin Apps, Videos and More! Awesome Ways To Learn Chinese: The Ultimate List of Mandarin Apps, Videos and More! Guess what former Miss Kansas 2013, Mark Zuckerberg and Oscar-winning actress Mira Sorvino all have in common? The title of this post may give you a slight inkling... yep, that’s right, they all speak Mandarin Chinese as a second language.Along with avocados and cryptocurrency, the popularity of the East Asian language has rocketed over the past 5 years, with more and more foreigners choosing to learn Chinese for business and tourism. With this surge came the surge in platforms offering services to learn Chinese - but which ones are actually worth it?We’ve been on a mission to find the best ways to learn Chinese, catering for all learning styles. The Chinese resources in our ultimate list complement one another, formal Mandarin education and Chinese tutoring. If you're looking to learn Chinese fast, the most efficient way is to find an online Chinese tutor near you. On revolutionary tutoring platformTutorful you can find hundreds of great online Chinese tutors, read reviews and l earn Mandarin in next to no time!We tried and tested many different tools to give you the ultimate list of apps to learn Chinese, Mandarin podcasts, Chinese learning videos, websites and much more! Some of the blogs and podcasts included will even give you that all-important cultural insight if you're interested in delving into eclectic Chinese culture and current affairs.???!Know what you’re looking for already? Check out our handy quick links:Best Apps to Learn ChineseBest YouTube Channels to Learn ChineseBest Blogs and Websites to Learn ChineseBest Podcasts to Learn ChineseBest Books and Games to Learn ChineseBest Children's Chinese Learning ResourcesBest Apps to Learn ChineseHelloChinese Why we love this app to learn Chinese:If you want an easy and effective way to learn Mandarin Chinese, then HelloChinese is the app you need. Tailored specifically for beginners, HelloChinese is rated 4.8+ stars on both App Store and Google Play. It was featured by Apple in the homepage of Ap p Store in over 70 countries and received overwhelmingly positive user feedback.Download Now: Apple, AndroidLingoDeer Why we love this app to learn Chinese:LingoDeer is effective because it's created by real language teachers. Every exercisebuilds upon the previous one, and teaches the fundamentals of the language quickly, making it ideal for total Chinese beginners.Teaching is a craft, not a simple program that throws a random mix of options to the user. LingoDeer is good pedagogy expressed through modern tech.Download Now: Apple, AndroidPleco Chinese Dictionary Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Pleco offers the most comprehensive selection of Chinese reference material of any single app - dozens of great dictionaries licensed from leading publishers like Oxford, Longman, FLTRP, and Commercial Press.They also offer a comprehensive set of Chinese learning tools to go with great content - handwriting, OCR, and speech input, a document reader feature to let you instantly look up words on web pages or e-books or within other apps, and a powerful SRS-based flashcard system.Download Now: Apple, AndroidNinchanese Why we love this app to learn Chinese:The Chinese language has the reputation of being one of the hardest languages to learn. The team at Ninchanse understand that, and have developed their app accordingly to give to everyone the ability to understand and speak the Chinese language.The app is designed and developed with an SRS system especially to learn Chinese characters efficiently. Built with the help of Chinese teachers to elaborate hundreds of grammar exercises to understand in depth the Chinese grammar. With the added bonus of a fine-tuned voice recognition to get every tone right on any character.Download Now: AndroidHelloTalk Why we love this app to learn Chinese:HelloTalk creates a safe environment to combine language learning with social interaction. The app's state of art communication tools â€" inbuilt translations, corrections, and voic e messaging, amongst othersâ€" facilitate language exchange between users.The vibrant language community spans all cultures worldwide, and with nearly 10 million people using the app, any learner can find an exchange partner on HelloTalk. A blend of a education and social media, we enable every learner to talk to the world.Download Now: Apple, AndroidDu Chinese Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Du Chinese is a highly rated reading app for learners of Chinese and is available for both iOS and Android.The app has hundreds of lessons of varying difficulty, with new content being added continuously.Each lesson has built-in voice recordings and translations, making it a great replacement for a traditional textbook. The reading interface is super intuitive, to let the student focus solely on reading without distractions. This helps students improve their Chinese reading and listening skills at a fast pace, and makes studying Chinese fun.Download Now: Apple, AndroidZizzle Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Zizzle has an incomparably unique and fresh approach to making Chinese characters stick in your memory. Chinese characters pose a special challenge, the use of engaging visuals and humorous stories make learning accessible to everyone! The stories might seem silly sometimes, but that’s exactly the point!The app really focuses on the best ways to learn Chinese, it combines such mnemonics with more conventional Chinese learning approaches, such as spaced repetition and an intelligent quiz system. To keep their edge and to ensure the quality of content, the team are continually designing every single story and have multiple people read them to make sure they are effective.Download Now: Apple, AndroidSpeechling Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Speechling is a nonprofit mobile/web language learning platform that combines human coaching with technology to improve any language learner's speaking. The app gives free and affordable language coaching from ce rtified language coaches.The platform provides many other language learning tools for the community free of charge. They have thousands of monthly active users, as well as multiple schools, and businesses using the service - so trust us that you'll get plenty of value from the app! We love that the company values social impact as well; they established a scholarship in late 2017, which has enabled low-income language learners to do achieve their dreams, from volunteering as an English teacher in Africa to applying to a neonatology medical residency in the United States.Download Now: Apple, AndroidHanping Chinese Dictionary Pro Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Hanping Chinese is a suite of Mandarin Cantonese offline language-learning apps for Android, that includes a dictionary, handwriting recognition, OCR (text recognition in images), high-quality native speaker audio (single-syllable and multi-syllable), clipboard monitoring and much more. We can certainly understand why th eir pro dictionary app it is so well rated to support Mandarin learning!Download Now: AndroidStandard Mandarin Why we love this app to learn Chinese:The Standard Mandarin app provides straight-to-the-point instructions with audio, text and visual animations allowing students to precisely pronounce the distinct sounds in Mandarin Chinese.This app is specialised on the one biggest obstacles for Chinese learners - pronunciation. The app helps the student cut corners by not only providing the audio files, but also concise descriptions in plain English on how to produce the sounds. There is no need to be a linguist to use this app, any Chinese beginner student will be able to get clearer and more distinct Chinese pronunciation.Download Now: AppleSkritter Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Using Skritter is about more than just memorising characters for your next daily quiz, the app helps make them stick in your memory forever! Skritter works, because rather than mindlessly tracing c haracters by writing them hundreds of times in tiny boxes on paper, you practice writing using active memory recall, and you can do it on your phone!Skritter is built by a team of Chinese and Japanese learners who understand the needs of a student. They harness the power of spaced repetition to ensure that you're always focused on the things you're struggling with most, whilst still learning new vocabulary every day. The app features hundreds of textbooks, and a library of tens of thousands of vocabulary entries, which makes custom list making a breeze. Forget flashcards, and use Skritter, so you can focus on the more essential things in life, like mastering Chinese!Download Now: Android, AppleLoecsen - Audio travel phrasebook Why we love this app to learn Chinese:A great app to quickly learn expressions that can be used whilst traveling in China. With 400 expressions, plenty of situations are covered for your journey.The trio of audio, illustration, and text (in your language, in Chinese and in phonetics) makes it easy for learners to progress quickly.Download Now: AndroidChinesepod - Podcast Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Founded in 2005, Chinesepod has skilfully crafted more than 4500 enjoyable and unique Mandarin Chinese Lessons. You’ll stay motivated to learn Mandarin Chinese by staying connected with The Chinesepod App.Structure based on your knowledge level: Newbie, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, and Advanced The ChinesePod App serves as your online guide to learn Mandarin Chinese On-The-Go. Included in the free app and a paid subscription, we've got everything a Chinese language learner needs, like a dictionary with lessons and examples, Pin Yin, Say It Right Series and flashcards. We even have detailed HSK prep for levels 1 - 5, for those studying to pass the official Chinese language test.Once you download The ChinesePod App, you’ll see you have access to THOUSANDS of downloadable audio and video lessons. Each lesson is co mplete with a fluent speaker who explains clearly proper grammar, Chinese characters, and common Chinese expressions. Nearly a million people have used ChinesePod's fun, real-life situations to learn and enjoy learning Mandarin Chinese, and with the Android or IOS app, so can you!Download Now: Apple, AndroidDecipher Chinese Why we love this app to learn Chinese:An inspiring app making your Chinese learning journey fun and effective. Get free articles on a daily basis, written specifically for beginners and intermediate Chinese language learners. Each article comes with intuitive tools that make understanding swifter than ever. You'll find an instant dictionary and Chinese audio along with listening and reading practice for a guided personal experience.Download Now: Apple, AndroidLingbe Why we love this app to learn Chinese:An awesome app that utilises one of the most effective forms of language learning - speaking to native Chinese speakers. Simply press the call button, and conne ct with someone who will help you learn and practice immediately. Once the conversation has ended, you'll be greeted with feedback about grammar, pronunciation, and fluency so you can easily track your progress.Download Now: Apple, AndroidAnkiApp Flashcards Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Flashcard apps can be one of the most effective ways to make the most of your study time. This app is particularly great as it uses an awesome form of Spaced Repetition and artificial intelligence so you can learn lots of Chinese characters in a short space of time, based around your exact learning needs.Download Now: Apple, AndroidLearn Chinese by TalkingLearn Why we love this app to learn Chinese:If you've made a start on learning Chinese, but haven't quite managed to gain the confidence to speak it - this app will suit you perfectly. Advanced voice recognition technology is incorporated into the app, so it can cleverly rate your pronunciation and intonation in real time - your very own h and-held training partner!Download Now: AppleLearn Chinese-Hello HSK Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Learn Chinese-Hello HSK is an awesome series of apps developed by the expert HSChinese team. The series includes levels 1 through 6 and doesn't just provide Chinese teaching materials for learners, but also the opportunity to consult Chinese teachers at any time in the app.Download Now: Apple, AndroidWritten Chinese Dictionary Why we love this app to learn Chinese:The Written Chinese Dictionary app is packed with a wealth of free tools for beginners up through advanced students. It is a must-have app to go along with any Chinese learning course.Not only does it support a Chinese-Pinyin-English word search but also includes a flashcard study system and allows users to set their own learning goals. Each Chinese character has a full details page that includes audio pronunciation, stroke animations to help users learn how to write, as well as useful, everyday example sentences. U sers can study Chinese with ease on their mobile or desktop device, anytime, anywhere.Download Now: Apple, AndroidLine Dict Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Fast and easy search makes this app ideal for learning Chinese on the go. Online and offline functionality and detailed definitions give this app an edge over other Chinese dictionaries.Download Now: AppleWaiChinese Why we love this app to learn Chinese:It's difficult to be confident speaking a language whilst learning, and we've found that this is especially tricky with Mandarin! Waichinese will help build your confidence by letting you listen to, speak, and get feedback on your Mandarin whenever you need it.Download Now: Apple, AndroidChinese Artworld Academy Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Learn Chinese and have fun at the same time! The app is jam-packed with features to help you learn Chinese characters and pronunciation. Track your own learning journey and plan your revision by saving characters to “Favouri tes” and creating a user customised lesson.Download Now: Apple, AndroidLearn Chinese Phrases - 123Lingo Why we love this app to learn Chinese:Learn 2000+ of Chinese Mandarin's most commonly used words and phrases. According to the great team at 123Lingo, you'll be able to start speaking within 10 minutes with native Mandarin pronunciation - we're impressed!Download Now: Apple, AndroidTrain Chinese by Molatra Why we love this app to learn Chinese:You'll find thousands of vocabulary lists, recordings, character animations and awesome Chinese character flashcard training on this app enabling you to learn Chinese fast!Download Now: Apple, AndroidChinese Mandarin Language Why we love this app to learn Chinese:This free app is a perfectly simple companion to your Chinese language learning, giving you all the tools for your daily practice schedule.Download Now: AndroidManga Mandarin-Learn Chinese Why we love this app to learn Chinese:This is one awesome way to learn Chinese if you lo ve all things anime! The Manga Mandarin app enables you to become fluent whilst reading comics tailored to your learning. As an international team of Chinese comic artists, teachers, and Chinese learners, they create long-term serial comics with various styles and stories.Download Now: Apple, AndroidLearn Chinese Why we love this app to learn Chinese:The intuitive app includes 77 Mandarin Chinese lessons, covering thousands of words and phrases used on a daily basis - both for travelling and day to day life. With clear audio, you'll pick up speaking and understanding the language in no time.Download Now:AndroidBest YouTube Channels to Learn ChineseLearn Chinese with Litao Why we lovethese Chinese learning videos:Chinese grammar is explained through logical, professional and unforgettable videos which will make your Chinese learning process much easier and faster.The team behind the videos believe that just learning properly and efficiently is fun by itself, without any gimmicks. T he Chinese courses also meet the requirements of the HSK test, so they can be used for your preparation and revision!Visit the channelFluent in Mandarin Why we love these Chinese learning videos:Fluent in Mandarin is an online Mandarin Chinese learning platform with more than 150 videos, 30,000 subscribers and 2.5 million video views. Chris started the channel and the site to share his experience as a British person learning Chinese with the goal of 'making Chinese easier to understand'.In his early videos, Chris outlines how he learned Chinese to fluency, including the resources, tips, and techniques he used. More recently, he has created videos explaining some of the most complex and difficult to understand aspects of Chinese in the simplest way possible - including aspects of Chinese characters and grammar. Recent popular videos include 'Chinese History in 20 Minutes', 'Basics of Chinese Grammar Explained in 10 Minutes' and 'How to Remember the Tones in Chinese, Forever'.Visit t he channelYoYo Chinese Why we love these Chinese learning videos:Yangyang started teaching Chinese 10 years ago following a job as an entertainment TV host. She teaches from an English speaker’s point of view,helping students break through common roadblocks they usually face as beginners.We love her teaching style as her passion really shines through in the videos!Visit the channelMandarin Impossible Why we love these Chinese learning videos:All the videos on the channel are put together by David Quing, a wise mandarin teacher on a mission to help everyone learn the Chinese language. The illustrations and character animations coupled with his effective teaching style make these videos ideal revision material.Visit the channelChinese With Mike Why we love these Chinese learning videos: Okay, so these aren't really your conventional Chinese learning videos - but they are an absolute breath of fresh air if you've been plowing through mundane language learning resources.Mike La oshi teaches Mandarin with a pleasant dose of humour, in a way that makes the language accessible to everyone.He'll be your new go-to mandarin tutor - especially when you need a good giggle or two.Visit the channelJasmine Lipska Why we love these Chinese learning videos:Jasmine is a half Polish-half Chinese student living in Melbourne, Australia. Her channel is full of useful language learning tips, as well as lifestyle, travel advice and health and wellbeing videos.Visit the channelBest Blogs and Websites to Learn ChineseGlossika Why we love the website:Glossika focuses on speaking and listening fluency. This is especially helpful for languages with complex writing systems, as you can learn to hold conversations before mastering the script. Glossika uses machine learning to sort complex speech patterns giving students a more effective path to fluency.Visit the channelHacking Chinese Why we love Hacking Chinese to learn Chinese online:Hacking Chinese focuses on the best way to le arn Chinese. Mandarin is a language very different from English and comes with a number of challenges that are absent in most other languages (such as tones and Chinese characters).There are thousands of websites, blogs and services that teach you vocabulary, grammar and so on, but there weren't really any that focused on the learning process, i.e. how do you go about learning these things? The motto of the site sums it up pretty well:????,??????“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”Almost eight years and 400+ articles later, there are articles covering most of the questions students (and teachers) ask about learning Mandarin. All these articles are available for free, as well as a handy resource section with over 400 resources sorted and tagged by proficiency level and type: Hacking Chinese Resources. There's also a challenge page where people can sign up for challenges (twice per month) to track their own progress an d compete with others, or against themselves: Hacking Chinese Challenges. Both these services are completely free.Visit the websiteChinese Language Stack Exchange Why we loveChinese Language Stack Exchangeto learn Chinese online:A wonderful question and answer site, that should be your first choice when looking for Mandarin language forums online. Ideal for students, teachers, tutors and linguists wanting to discuss finer details of the Chinese language and become acquainted with more specific language use in context.Lang 8 Why we loveLang 8to learn Chinese online:A great concept for a website, and a great companion for anyone learning a language. Simply post in the Mandarin, and wait for native speakers correct your writing! You can even return the favour by helping others learn your native language, for a truly immersive learning journey. With native speakers over 90 languages to study, finding a language partner has been made super easy!Visit the websiteLearn Chinese Online Wh y we love Learn Chinese Online:Utilising a progressive approach is one of the best ways to learn Chinese. This website uses this approach, where each new phrase builds upon the vocabulary already learned. The intuitive system continually reinforces your language skills and vocab knowledge and speeds up memorisation!Visit the websiteReadlangChrome Extension Why we loveReadlangto help learn Chinese online:An uber awesome chrome extension to guide you through understanding words in Chinese. Simply click words or phrases on any site to translate them and practice them with flashcards. All the words you translate through the extension are saved so you can practice them on the dedicated Flashcards Page whenever and wherever you want!Visit the websiteChinese Grammar Wiki Why we loveChinese Grammar Wiki:Your free, comprehensive and practical online resource for Chinese grammar, with over 1,930 articles and more added every day!Visit the websiteEast Asia Student Why we loveEast Asia Stude ntto learn Chinese online:Hugh started the blog in the second year of his East Asian Studies degree at university. You'll find a plethora of interesting articles on the site including an array of translations of various original texts from East Asia, explanations of a variety of things from grammar to software, commentary on current events, arguments and debates and other random anecdotes. We love it, and we know you will too!Visit the websiteCli Why we loveClito learn Chinese online:Located in the beautiful southern city of Guilin and officially affiliated with Guangxi Normal University, CLI offers intensive Mandarin, College Study Abroad, China Seminar, and online one-on-one program options.Visit the websiteStudy More Chinese Why we loveStudy More Chineseto learn Chinese online:We believe that practicing Chinese is important, but it's difficult to know the best way to make it work for you. We recommend signing up for this friendly community, a great place to share and find the b est resources and advice for learning Chinese for free.Visit the websiteBest Podcasts to Learn ChineseLearn Mandarin Now Why we lovethis Chinese podcast:Listening to the language can be one of the best ways to acquire confident Mandarin skills. This series of podcasts wonderfully introduces key Chinese words and phrases to practice along side your Chinese grammar education.Listen NowMelnyks Chinese Why we love this Chinese podcast:A hectic lifestyle doesn't have to stop you from learning a new skill. Melnyks Chinese audio lessons allow you to tailor your learning to your personal schedule, so you can learn at your own pace, anywhere that is convenient for you. What's more, each audio lesson comes with PDF transcripts, a worksheet, and additional situational dialogues.Listen NowLearn Chinese Insights Podcast Why we love the Learn Chinese Insights Podcast:Chinese Learn Online (CLO) has been around for more than 10 years and is a popular resource for Chinese learners, especially beg inners, as it is listening based.Understanding the tones in Chinese is one of the hardest parts of learning the language, so it is important to get your brain used to the different sounds by introducing a variety of tones.Ideally the best source of listening material is material that is just slightly above your comprehension level. If it is too easy, you won't be learning anything, and if it's too difficult your brain starts to ignore what it's hearing. CLO tries to provide listening material at just the right level by using a progressive method. The Each lesson adds a few words of Chinese and builds up where the previous one left off.Listen NowSinica Podcast Why we love the Sinica Podcast:If you're learning mandarin, you've probably already adopted an interest in Chinese culture and current affairs. In fact, this kind of knowledge can often provide great context to your language learning. This weekly discussion is revolved around all things Chinese current affairs, hosted by dynam ic duo Kaiser Kuo and Jeremy Goldkorn.Listen Now“??????” Learn Chinese Through Stories Why we love “??????” Learn Chinese Through Stories:Originally focussed on story lessons for intermediate learners, “??????” is a growing platform for all those interested in learning Mandarin Chinese through classic and popular stories of Chinese culture.A fascinating and authentic concept that has been proven to be one of the best ways to learn Chinese. We particularly love that the podcast has an explanation session with a variety of recap and repetitions to aid practice.Listen NowBest Books and Games to Learn ChineseMandarin Chinese Picture Dictionary Why we love the Mandarin Chinese Picture Dictionary:This Mandarin Chinese dictionary covers the 1,500 most useful Mandarin Chinese words and sentences.Each word and sentence is given in Chinese characters with Hanyu Pinyin pronunciation and English definition. The words are grouped into 38 themes or topics. Each theme has 25 to 35 wo rds and 5 to 8 sentences and is richly illustrated with colour photographs. Includes online companion audio recordings by native Mandarin speakers of all the vocabulary and sentences.A brief introduction to Chinese pronunciation and tones is included, and indexes at the back allow you to quickly look up any of the words or characters in the book. Since this dictionary covers all the words for the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam as well as the Chinese HSK Levels 1 2, it is an ideal test prep resource for a visual learner.Check out the bookFundamentals of Chinese Characters Why we loveFundamentals of Chinese Characters:Fundamentals of Chinese Characters looks at the fascinating connections between the shapes and meanings of basic Chinese characters.This allows you to recognize and write the intricate characters whilst, or even before, you learn to speak the language. With interactive exercises, illustrations and rhymes for all the characters covered in the book, this has certai nly become one of our favourite ways to learn Chinese characters.Check out the bookChineasy Why we loveChineasy:Chineasy believes in playful learning, immersing play with thoughtfully planned learning objectives. With Chineasy Tiles, the magic happens when children get creative and have fun. We designed our games to foster new ideas and experiences for kids, and reinforce social, emotional, and developmental skills.There are more than 20 ways to play Chineasy Tiles. All of our games facilitate Chinese learning through associative techniques, cultural context, and language awareness. Different game methods focus on action, concentration, flexibility or problem solving skills.The more the merrier! Chineasy Tiles is great for playing in groups. Children learn to work together, think creatively, communicate, reason and present findings. Let their imagination run wild through storytelling, charades, and action-packed games with Chineasy Tiles! Check out the gameGames Learn Chinese Why we loveGames Learn Chinese:One of the most tedious aspects of learning a language is memorising vocabulary - this website is focused on Mandarin vocabulary learning through addictive games. You'll find games to help you learn more than 5000 Chinese words in pinyin and characters from basic levels (HSK1) to expert levels (HSK6).Check out the websiteI Begin to Learn Chinese (for Adults): Friends Chinese Graded Readers (Level 1) Why we love I Begin to Learn Chinese:The book is written for adults learning Chinese who have already learned 150 words corresponding to New HSK Level 1, a simple but effective resource for teachers or tutors to use alongside lessons. The book integrates diverse situations to cultivate student's cross-cultural perspectives.Check out the book4 books in 1 - English to Chinese - Kids Flash Card Book: Black White: Learn Mandarin Vocabulary for Children Why we love the 4 in 1 English to Chinese Flash Card book:The books provide a fun break from more intensive lea rning materials and can be a great way to introduce your child to basic vocabulary without overwhelming them.Each page contains a simple illustration and one word to learn. The Flashcard Book and Ebook series are essentially a set of flashcards in book form, designed to expand vocabulary for students aged 4 and up. Each book covers a different topic including, Animals, Household items, Numbers shapes, and colours. Available in Chinese/Mandarin and a wide selection of other languages.Check out the bookA Little Mandarin: Chinese Children’s Classics v 1.0 Why we love a Little Mandarin:Created by Shanghai-born NYC mom, Toni Wang, Chinese Children's Classics v 1.0 is a first-of-its-kind collection of classic Chinese children’s songs updated with a fresh new sound and voice.The album's 15 tracks fuse rock, pop, electronica, dance, ska, and hip-hop influences with playful lyrics to make it not only a fun and engaging experience but also a unique, quintessential educational tool. Child ren will enjoy this music and be excited to learn about Chinese language and culture! A winner of Dr. Toy's Best Classic, Creative Choice CD of the Year and Parents’ Choice Silver Honor, this album is lauded by leading cultural and educational organizations including Asia Society's Partnership for Global Learning/Chinese Language Initiatives, China Institute (NY), Mandarin Institute (SF), Chinese American International School (SF) and Mandarin Stars (Australia).Check it out!Uncle Goose Chinese Blocks Why we loveUncle Goose Chinese Blocks:This superb set makes learning Chinese for children interactive and thoroughly enjoyable. Each of the 32 blocks included reveals a debossed Mandarin Chinese character representing the word for an animal. On its opposing side, find the same character paired with its English translation. See a handcrafted picture of the animal on yet another side. If you have a family that loves learning, you'll want to keep hold of these for many generations to co me!Check out the toyBest Children's Chinese Learning ResourcesLittle Fox Chinese Why we love Little Fox Chinese:Little Fox creates highly engaging, level-appropriate animated stories to make learning languages fun. The award-winning content keeps learners interested and helps them build vocabulary and fluency in a natural and authentic way, with plenty of opportunities to listen to, speak, and experience language.Visit the channelMiss Panda Chinese Why we love Miss Panda Chinese children's learning videos:Miss Panda Chinese-Mandarin Chinese for Children is a Chinese language and culture teaching resource for parents and educators. They engage young learners with playful learning, comprehensible input, and stories to proficiency.We love the expert author interviews as they empower parents and educators - expanding Chinese language and culture teaching to cross-culture understanding and world culture.Visit the ChannelSnap Lingo Why we love this app to learn Chinese:The app is des igned for kids aged 7 - 15 who are learning Mandarin but have nowhere to get hands-on practice. Their goal is to eliminate the barriers to language learning and provide the best quality communication platform for them to experience Chinese culture while improving their language skills.Download Now: AppleKids Chinese Podcast Why we loveKids Chinese Podcast:Kids Chinese Podcast is designed for kids, teenagers and adults to learn Mandarin Chinese. The Chinese lessons help you to learn Chinese listening and speaking via podcast/audio/video, and Chinese reading and writing via video, podcast lesson transcriptions, exercise worksheet, online exercises, and quizzes. Lessons' topics are designed using practical dialogs starting with focusing on kids’ daily life, while you receive systematic training on Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing.Listen Now5 Little Ducks Why we love the 5 Little Ducks app:Children often acquire new skills through song and play, and language acquisit ion works in a similar way. This app will teach your children simple Chinese vocabulary and sentences with interactive songs. Suitable for children ages 2+, this intuitive app is great for bilingual children on a Mandarin learning journey.Download Now: AppleFirst Words - Mandarin: 100 Mandarin words to learn Why we love First Words - Mandarin:This book from Lonely Planet Kids is perfect for the whole family, featuring 100 useful words to use whilst travelling, from food and transport to animals and weather.Check out the bookChinese With Lulu And Maomao (Book + CD) Why we love Chinese with Lulu and Maomao:Chinese with Lulu and Maomao brings a fresh approach to language learning, with the added bonus of a CD to give an extra learning dimension. Designed like a storybook, as opposed to a traditional textbook, giving children a stimulating foundation to Chinese and covers topics that will appeal to young learners, such as family and friends, school, toys and games, numbers and colours .Check out the bookA Nest in Springtime: A Mandarin Chinese-English bilingual book of numbers Why we love A Nest in Springtime:In springtime, when wild geese come to nest, there are eggs for counting. But how many goslings will there be? And how many in the whole paddling family, when Papa and Mama join them? Tonal marks used in the book are explained in a final spread, along with a pinyin translation of the Chinese characters.Check out the bookLanterns and Firecrackers: A Chinese New Year Story Why we loveLanterns and Firecrackers: A Chinese New Year Story:This enchanting picture book opens the door to an important part of Chinese culture to children. Follow a family as they celebrate Chinese New Year, watch their lanterns sail into the night and be mesmerised by the dancing dragon.Check out the bookWe hope you've found some useful resourceful here! You might also be interested in these mind-expanding articles to help you on your Mandarin journey.Be more employable - here's why y ou should learn another languageWhat Is A Growth Mindset?Here's Why Tutoring Is BeneficialGuide To Learning Arabic - Expert Tips and Tools

Want To Study Better? Try Online College Tutoring

Want To Study Better? Try Online College TutoringAt times, you may need to teach yourself some very complex concepts, so if you want to improve your level of education, consider signing up for a free class from LIVIUS TUTORING. LIVIUS is an online college training company that provides training online to earn a bachelor's degree online.Your online courses will not be full of lectures. They will also contain interactive quizzes, and some videos and exercises. And finally, you will have access to some live classes as well.Your LIVIUS tutoring program will include tutoring to students from all over the world. This means that you will have the option to attend a class in any part of the world. LIVIUS has classes that can be easily downloaded from their website. Therefore, you can take a class at your own convenience.Classes at LIVIUS consist of no cost or pay-as-you-go. You will get to learn new skills and study on your own schedule. As long as you have a computer and an internet connect ion, you will be able to learn everything you need to learn about college education and careers through online tutoring. And with a no cost program, you will be able to learn at your own pace.Today, it's high time to jump on board and increase your education level. You can make that happen by registering for a LIVIUS tutoring course.As soon as you join, you will receive the newest and most exciting version of the LIVIUS tutoring program. And as it is a membership program, you will also have the chance to participate in online surveys and forums. You will be able to earn a free diploma.No matter how much you want to upgrade your education, you can do so by joining a LIVIUS course. LIVIUS offers a fast, easy way to get the education you deserve.

What Is Ha in Chemistry?

What Is Ha in Chemistry?There are a lot of important things to know about what is Ha in Chemistry. If you want to get an idea about the importance of this little fact, you should have a thorough knowledge of the concept.The basic concept of chemistry is the study of chemicals and their properties. The first thing you should know about is that there are two elements in the world, air and water. In the past, scientists have believed that these two elements are the same, but this theory was disproved through modern experiments.As we know, the study of chemistry is the study of chemical reactions. Chemists use knowledge about chemical reactions to determine the properties of different substances.In organic chemistry, it is the study of organic substances. It includes things like molecules, polymers, biopolymers, and different types of compounds. Most of these compounds are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur.You can take an understanding of organic chemistry by stud ying the properties of alcohols, ketones, esters, and other organic molecules. It is important to understand the property of an element because you need to know how to handle it.If you want to learn what is Ha in Chemistry, you should know that chemical compounds are categorized into those that belong to the organic and those that belong to the inorganic classes. In the end, if you have some knowledge about the type of compound, you can work in different chemicals.If you have some knowledge about what is Ha in Chemistry, you can choose to focus on something else. With the knowledge you already have, you can focus on further improving your skills so that you can be the best chemist and master every chemistry.

Organic Chemistry Tutor Acid Base Courses - How You Can Get The Best From Your Subject And Your Teacher

Organic Chemistry Tutor Acid Base Courses - How You Can Get The Best From Your Subject And Your TeacherAs you sit at your desk at home, studying for that big exam, ask yourself, are you really doing the best thing for you or your child, by taking an organic chemistry tutor acid base course? This may be a difficult question to answer if you have not taken any courses with an acid base. But it is an important question to ask.Because it is so important to your health and well being, your family's well being, and of course, your career, you should ask yourself if this is a professional reason for you to be taking a course with an acid base. As a natural health and nutrition teacher and advisor I have to tell you that for many years I have taught organic chemistry as well as organic biology and philosophy.I am sure that many teachers have done this as well. The first step in your choice of a tutor is whether or not they are a teacher. As a teacher I know that the best teachers are able to take people through a curriculum very easily.There are many teachers who do not have the necessary skill set to take a person through a curriculum but, nevertheless, are able to give them a solid grounding in the subject. The other thing is the fact that these types of teachers are usually licensed and certified.It is important to keep in mind the fact that not all chemistry tutors are certified and licensed. A teacher who is a licensed teacher will usually be at least a little bit more detailed in their approach, as they are on a profession to profession basis.As an organic chemistry teacher and advisor I always told my students, when they were struggling with a piece of homework, to pay attention to the teacher as to not to overlook the fact that they would need to have a tutor in order to study properly. That way they would not make any mistakes, and do not mess up the other student's work.Now, if you are looking for a school teachers for your classroom, keep in mind that some t eachers have more experience in doing a better job than others. A good rule of thumb, if you are going to be hiring a teacher for your classroom, is to look for one who has been in a large school district for a number of years. Also, it is important to keep in mind that there is a difference between being a school teacher and being a science teacher.